Thursday, May 3, 2007

SE updates

Well, we have to talk about Portland Nursery...

First of all, it's too beautiful for all of the pushiness of lattes in one hand and pulling a cart haphazardly across people's feet in the other. Browser hours need to be early, because when it's busy you have to know exactly what you want, what the Latin name is, where it's placed, where the tomato carts have been rolled to, or you will be gridlocked in rows of carts and coffee sipping oblivious shoppers pulling the staffer assisting them into tiny pieces. Sorry, it had to be said.
My neighbor Steven says we need to cut out over there on a Wednesday afternoon sometime and actually come home with everything we went there for. Cool, coffee's on me.

Another early morning hot item I want to enjoy is the cupping at the SE Belmont Stumptown Annex, where I discovered the amazing variety available, only because the main cafe was packed.
The buzz there is great, and tables are taken early by laptoppers, which is cool with me, I just wish they might share a 4-top, two singles sharing a 4-top, way Euro and better use of resources. Or, let's pop it overhead and do a loft space, even better. I love it there, and we all want to be there at once, not a bad problem for a business to have...

Hot new sk8r place on SE Washington just west of 82nd called "The Office", where a sleepy relic of the 70s used to be, Liberty Natural Products. That stretch of Montavilla is getting very Belmont, now that the theater is restored to showing current 2nd run movies. There is the anchor Lebanese restaurant, and some wi-fi cafes, a paper store, thrifts, and a farmers market.
A few weeks ago I spent over an hour in the Antique Emporium, with the familiar booths of individual merchants and one cashier station, but there's a great variety of antiques, mid-century, reproductions, sleazy kitsch, cutsey kitsch, scruffy furniture, shabby chic, and garage ephemera.

The Hawthorne Beautification plods on, with traffic even worse now with the added lights and one lane merging. Who's idea was this? Someone who lives in SW, obviously. The impact on small businesses here is severe, and everyone has "No Meters on Hawthorne" signs in their store windows. The Bagdad sidewalk side remodel looks great, but this seems to all be going on way too long. I want to have the usual Hawthorne stroll back soon, Spring is here already.

There's nothing like having out of town guests to make you see your town like a tourist, and remind you (me) how great it is living here everyday. The lilacs have lasted a month. Frost is a memory. The roses are almost here. The wisterias are to the gods. I can put on a wool sweater and sit outside with a hot bev in the morning, then by 4 have shorts on and sit on the sunporch with a cold beer. With lots of industrious activity in between, job-hunting, housework, weeding.
You know...

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