Tuesday, May 8, 2007

No, I don't have needy friends (sorry)

I have splendid friends, diverse and supportive people, I guess I had my blog on real hard. (that sounds risque) Anyway...

Do you know what my great friend Laura told me to do today?
She told me to go outside by 10 am, walk around the neighborhood with that second cup of coffee, then start bringing out things from the basement that need to have the cement dust hosed off and left to dry on the lawn all day in the warm breezy sun. Then I snapped some pics for selling things on craigslist, and then I washed, waxed, and detailed my car in the shade, and got the Mother's Day card mailed.

I am still a productive and contributing member of society.

By this time my back was done, and for old times sake I read the NY Times Book Review on the porch swing, and made the French Bulldog bark, laughing at Dave Barry's review of "Send", a primer of email etiquette. These are times I miss calling Linsey at the store and telling her some hot titles to order on my day off. (sigh) So I called her anyway, woke her up from her nap, and she generously chatted with me about her new temp job and all her wild escapades.
We made plans to drink. We bitched about Harry Potter stupidity. We talked some old shop.

She's already surged ahead to the next stage, and there's nothing like a new job and new co-workers and supervisors to make that a daily reality. Or a new season. Winter is history.

I seem to be hovering, and it's a curious feeling. Below me are acres and patches of lives I could choose to live that would depend on new source of income generated, people contacted, places visited. So far this choice hasn't been made, and I am some kind of one-celled organism right now. There are days I feel I'm surging ahead myself, breakthroughs tripping over revelations, long distances covered without one footfall in the material world. Losing my job really stirred up the muck, and allowing sediment to fall and the water to clear makes me hold my breath, how long will this take? Will it ever be clear enough to decide?

Sitting meditation is gentle, easy, low impact. I do it almost everyday. Then there's the observation and mindfulness meditation, the wash & wear, no ironing needed kind, that you get used to doing. No biggie. Pay attention. Okay, got it. The kind I forget about is the vigorous action meditation, when your body is the mind and your critical voice takes a long-overdue break. An entire afternoon can go by, and you've gone light years in your processes, but the chronos hands never moved. Working it out by working it through a task.

The advice my friend gave me this morning was to step out of the brain car and walk for a while, do some necessary tasks that need doing, completing something would be good for me, and network some more with people I know. I've only found one job I've ever had in a classified ad.
Everything else came about by being out there, poking around, talking to people and friends of friends, following up hunches, and being adventurous. I'm closer today than I was yesterday, plus I got a lotta stuff done in the breezy sunshine.

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