Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Taking a break from the number crunching...

One of my favorite blogs is Poppalina, in the now wintery land Down Under. She's a woman named Shula that I've mentioned on my blog many times, and I check her every day. She doesn't post four times a day, but that's about how many times I check to see if she has. So we inadvertently drive up each other's hit counters. (I don't have one, too early in the game) Shula has been doing this serious yoga-mama thing, becoming a yoga teaching person, and it sounds grueling. Oh, and she's a single mum with a 13 year old girl. Sounds like someone else I know...

Anyway, today Shula stayed on her blog long enough to tell us she finished writing a paper for her class, and she found a great flash pic saying, "It's Bloody Finished!" in Broadway Lights. We all sent up a cheer. She hates paper writing, and does all the dodging activities I do when the paperwork is deadline due.

So I'm not going to apologize for posting twee pictures on Friday, being in a hands-on, visual mode, left brain off. Today was all left brain; finances, numbers and applications, accounting of new efforts with dollar signs attached, profit dollars, blessed expenses, supplies, bills old and new and real old, and looking down the short handle of the end of unemployment.

Finally finished doing what I needed to do for Etsy and Paypal, and am waiting until tomorrow to hit House of Vintage. I'm grimacing cautiously as I write this. August will pick up, college kids renting and needing to fill apartments, houses and closets. Cautiously, I'm thinking all I really want to do is Groovy Rhubarb, throw my whole body and soul into it, get it high off the ground and then Etsy will kick in. Donations accepted. Ideas and gentle advice welcomed. It's all so clear to me, I can hear it breathing, ready to fly.

Numbers being what they are, GR has some legs, not real long now, but...it took me until May to realize what I was going to do, then the entire concept came together really fast. I'm suddenly the only boss I'm willing to work that hard for. Am I just crazy? I believe in this project with everything I have, and it's kinda lonely out here. Oh well, that's not enough to stop me yet.

Speaking with someone Financial lately, he said to me that what I'm in the midst of is usually what people 20 years younger or older than me do, I should really be focused on building security. But he has to say that, that's what I made the appointment with him for. He was kind, and didn't completely discourage me, and made a comment about the entrepreneurial personality type, being strong-headed, and clear of vision. Sometimes a girl has to write a check for some fatherly advice and effortless money computation. He shook my hand and wished me luck and I almost cried. I'm bad that way. Then I came home to get the mail, and found a totally unexpected check from my car insurance company, nothing in the 100s, but a delight nonetheless. Thank you. Thinking of my stern German grandfather, I jumped in the car and drove to the Bavarian deli, off of Powell by the Aladdin Theater, called Edelweiss, and got some wursts, sauerkraut and horseradish, and black rye bread and made our Bavarian family stand-by meal. Sometimes you just have to do that, bring yourself all the way around to home.

Fortified with gemutlichkeit and weisswurst, I dove into the numbers, thinking of my grandpa and the lecture on practicality I would be getting if he were still alive and leaning over these papers. So I had a beer. Prost!

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