Friday, June 15, 2007

Finding an Art Friend

Yesterday I had the chance to talk at length with someone about some of the really "out there" ideas I have of projects I want to do. For well over an hour, she just let me go in a scattershot manner, covering galaxies of genres, narrow the focus for a while, then launch off into another dimension all together. No arched eyebrows, no grimaces of polite uncertainty, no sighs of impending heartbreak---she would hear the excitement in my voice, and ask me another question to give me a chance to hear my own passion when describing it. "Details, give me details," she said, like what can I do tomorrow (today) to get this in motion, who can I call right away, have I added a completion list in the sketch book to go along with all of the lists of potentialities I add there every day? After the first 45 minutes, I had uncovered enough ground to actually reveal what the big goal is for me, the 'not playing it safe' goal, and she just gasped--"Now I have goosebumps, now we're getting somewhere, how long has this been hiding in you?"

I'm jazzed, invigorated, ready to go, en fuego, re-prioritized, break out the art supplies!

The other thing I realized (again) is how essential it is to have a parallel reflection in your world when you are striking out on a new path. Not a yesman, or polite nodding and hand patting, but a source of enthusiasm, someone who understands how important this new venture is to you, and is a safe chat spot in the whirlwind of day to day life. The whole idea of 'coaching' comes to mind, and I did consider that, but sometimes it's even simpler than that, like making a new friend in your new area of exploration, or diving into something together with a friend who is also wanting to shake it up and plant a new flag. The ground rule has to be that staying the same is not the goal or default setting, wanting to be vividly creative is life-enriching and fun!

Okay, 'Art Friend', what does that mean? Does that sound too woo-woo? I'll branch it out---
Writer's Group, Work-out Buddy, Yoga Pal, KnitWits, you get the idea. Someone to speak the jargon with, swap the verbal shorthand, provide the knowing glances, call with breathless messages, open cafe meetings with the best question, "How fabulous are you today?" by getting to the good stuff right away, the new passion? And, I'm sorry, talking about something other than spouses, pets, kids, can we please? So many dimensions, so little time devoted to them.

In my pursuit of all things creative, artistic, exciting, and colorful, and being on a knit-fast, I have been surfing the creative sites for visual snacks and positive reinforcement, inspiration, and pure envy or idea-harvesting. So here are some places to visit that can show us how it looks when the flow is a river and we're doin' it for ourselves (in public) and loving it.

For we who have dreamed of having our own little shop: Reform School Rules

Places where the made by hand of all kinds holds first place: Craftster, whip up, Etsy

Quirky, wonderful, colorful, mad-wild art sites: River Bend, Soule Mama, Junk Market, more to follow...

Gotta go be Groovy Rhubarb, then do some more writing---it's a rainy chilly summer day here in Portland, and I'm actually grateful, no porch time today, no watering, all craft, all artful work all day today.

(serious knitting jonesin' goin' on here, no trips to Yarn Garden, go to Yarn Harlot's site instead)

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