Monday, February 5, 2007

Boundless Enthusiasm

The 'take-away' from the weekend was that I am only going to maintain connections with people who see the higher possibilities---for themselves, for me, for the world, for Portland, for creative people everywhere. Call me a snob, but...part of this whole lay-off experience is to upgrade, right? For all of us? There's just SO MUCH out there.

Okay, the sun was out today again. I become Glenda the Good Witch on days like these, besides the great feeling I got getting the murky basement cleared out. The nice boys from 1-800-got-junk came by and removed all the musty piles in the front yard, and I got to go get a beer and enjoy the remainder of the afternoon. Much happiness. I just thought I should capitalize on the head of steam I was still riding after we closed two stores in 30 days, clearing out neglected areas of my non-work life. Imagine. Boxes of books I had always planned on selling to Powells instead had morphed into future back pain lying in wait in my basement. Let the boys take them to the truck. They picked through them a bit, that was fun to watch. The drawing table from Ft. Lauderdale days went to the curb, too, now replaced by the solid oak display table from the store. My new command center. The yard sale leftovers went, the old futon, flooded basement stuff, and even more evidence of my years in Florida. Soon there won't be much of that left, either. Amazing.

Too bad the got-junk boys don't do dishes, that would really help me out today.

Over the weekend, I finally got to Voodoo Donut, and had a wonderful, compact and powerful Devil's Food donut. My next excursion in the sweets category is to visit Saint Cupcake, hopefully with a friend, and get frosting-faced at this whimsical emporium. Hope they sell great coffee. What's the next baked-good fad? Brownies? Muffins, again? Pie? Sticky buns? Artisan crackers? How about KNISHES? Girl could use a great spinach knish. Or a mushroom kasha.

I have eased a bit into this relaxing-thing. Still focused, still have a list of to-dos, still thinking of checking out that Martha Stewart Housekeeping book at the library, but---my plans have diffused into roping friends into a piss-up sometime this week, catching up on Mythbusters, and putting a few more inches onto the sweater I'm in the midst of. I'll do the resume-building next week, at my new command center. I don't want to run out of things to do too soon.

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