Tuesday, November 27, 2007

A Little Political

Sent Betty a Hillary Clinton bumpersticker from the H.C. website...heh heh heh heh heh

So I guess I'm throwing my support behind Hillary, since she's the next better thing since Bill, and we'll get more Bill, which delights me to no end. Which is why I sent mom the sticker---Betty despises them both. (evil cackle)

Hell, I always knew I'd vote for Hillary, who am I trying to kid, I just wasn't always certain she'd run. When she stayed with Bill, I knew she was at least thinking about it, get her own career back after the White House one way or the other, and she'd have to stay married to run for anything, damn his eyes...she's smart, that's why the ConFunds are so afraid of her. So, I emailed her today, just to suggest that she not sling too much nasty mud with Barack, since he'll be her VP most likely, unless he gets mad and refuses, then Richardson is my guy for the future VP. Not that Hillary has time to answer much these days, but I know she's open to consensus opinions, and does not want to uphold dirty old boy tactics. I'll put her sticker on my car, and try to convince Betty to at least give her sticker to my brother and not toss it in the trash. Unlikely.

My all-time favorite little ditty is the new "Dumb Chicks for Hillary" tactic of the angry-middle-aged-white-guys in the media, or even meaner, "Stupid Broads for Clinton" that I think Dennis Miller threw up on Fox not too long ago while hand-jobbing with Bill O'Riledup (or was it one-note 'El Patron' Lou Dobbs?). So building consensus is an estrogen thing, we've been told this over and over since middle school sex ed class, and violence and competition are testosterone things, and girls don't count, so there! Cheney is such a poster-boy for the AMAWGs, dying of heart disease, high blood pressure, terminal type-A, table thumping, war-mongering, hunting and back-slapping, this pile is mine and I'll shoot you dead, with us or against me, my way is the only way mentality---afraid that at any moment that defib gadget will fire off and keep this Frankenstein animated for a few months longer, the impotent wizard behind the curtain. I crowed like a mad rooster when I heard Trent Lott was the latest rat scampering off the sinking Bush junk---Dennis Hastert, too, both leaving before their term is up and costing their districts hundreds of thousands of dollars to put on mid-term elections a year after losing the House and Senate. I think they should use their remaining campaign funds to help cover the costs of these elections, since they are such poor losers that they take their marbles and go home so soon after being hell-bent on being elected. They should go, if they are going to be that ineffective. But I'm glad they don't represent my district and state, or I'd really be pissed off.

I'll be as glad to see the end of this 8 year dirge as I was to see Reagan hobble off to his ranch.

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