Thursday, August 30, 2007

Now That We're Famous...

The next morning, here we all go to blog about the Portland Bloggers get-together last night at KATU-TV.

Actually, the station had a nice table of food and drinks, and I want to estimate almost 60 people came, and I would have enjoyed it more if one of my pals had gone with me, but no.
They were probably afraid it was going to be too much like a Star Trek convention, Dork Factor 11, Mr Sulu! I chatted with some people who didn't put their blog names on their name tags, so Alison from where? was nice, and Steve from where? was just getting his feet wet with writing, and Brad from where? hoped KATU would do this again sometime, and Kat from where? wanted pictures... I sound like I'm kvetching, but it was fun to watch all the guys make like weathermen in front of the green screen and give their outrageous forecasts to their "viewers" off-camera---"By mid-afternoon, it will begin raining frogs in Medford, and hailing locusts in Klamath Falls, Armageddon at 11." The shrimp was good.

And I have some pictures of us milling about in the News Studio, people making like Chevy Chase at the news desk, beer in hand---and I realized I can't get them out of my camera. No picture mail in my Plan. Along with the gift bag, souvenirs of an evening of shy writers talking to shy writers about writing. Funny. Good thing there was alcohol.

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